Jimmy Dunnachie Family Learning Centre

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COVID-19 Guidance

Welcome to Jimmy Dunnachie Family Learning Centre

We want to reassure you that the safety of children, families and staff is paramount. We are continuously following Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council guidelines to ensure that the service we provide, and the facilities we use are safe.

To maintain these safety measures, it would be really helpful if you could read the contents of this leaflet before you start nursery.

Hopefully this guide will explain how we keep everyone as safe as possible while continuing to support your child’s wellbeing needs, providing a playful and happy environment and continuing to develop nurturing relationships.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!


COVID-19 Arriving at the Nursery

Upon arriving at nursery with your child, we will ask you to:

· Wear a facemask while dropping off/collecting your child. If you don’t have one, the staff in the building will offer you one to wear.

· There may be a queue, so we will ask you to use the markers on the ground to stand 2m from other families and staff.

· To reduce the volume of people around the building we ask that only one person comes to drop off and collect children from nursery where possible. We would also ask where possible that only one parent/carer stays with your child while settling in.

· We ask that you only bring your child’s jacket they are wearing and no extra bags or toys. This helps us to reduce spread of infection. You can speak to your child’s key worker for special arrangements around changes for toilet training.

· Only bring your child to nursery if they are fit and well. You can phone us before you come to nursery to ask us any questions about this.

· If you or anyone in your household is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms such as; a new, persistent cough, a temperature or loss of taste and smell do not come to nursery, and call us to make us aware. You will be advised by nursery to contact NHS 24 on 111 for further advice before returning to nursery.

· Please follow Government guidelines in terms of isolating where necessary.


Covid-19 - Visits, Visitors and Settling In

Right now, we are limiting the number of people into the nursery and only allowing entry to essential visitors.  

This allows us to monitor people using the service and for the purposes of NHS Test and Trace.

Settling your child into nursery will look a little different to normal. We think it is really important for you and your child to feel happy when starting nursery, therefore we have adapted how we put this in place.

You will be asked to settle your child outdoors in their play area, so please come dressed for the weather and expect to wait for up to two hours on a day, although we try to settle your child as soon as they let us know they are ready.

We have some chairs outside that can be easily cleaned between uses, and if you have a car and your child is happy, you can sit in your car to wait until the visit time is up. On this day you will complete some paperwork so feel free to being your own pen to use.

We will provide sanitising stations outside to support where we can.


Covid-19 - Your child’s day at nursery

We support your child’s Health and Wellbeing needs and their right to play in a safe and happy environment.

Hand washing is encouraged throughout the day and supported by staff such as, before and after eating; moving between outside and inside, after sneezing/coughing and when entering nursery from home.

We have a rota in place for enhanced cleaning of toys in between sessions and enhanced cleaning in place throughout the day by the cleaning and janitorial staff.

The children in the three to five room are currently separated into two separate learning bubbles in the one playroom. This allows the children to free flow play in smaller numbers to reduce any potential spread of Covid-19. Both rooms provide spaces that are similar in layout and opportunities.

Snack and lunch are served to the children to prevent any spread of infection; however, we aim to return to self-service as soon as we can.

Every room in the building has open windows to ventilate the rooms and to allow air to flow freely. Every day the doors leading to the outside play areas are open to allow children to free flow play from inside to outside. The outdoor space is secure and supported by adults at all times. Outside is the best environment to reduce the spread of infection.


Covid-19 - Supporting your child’s wellbeing needs

Nursery children will have a warm welcome either coming back to nursery or starting nursery for the first time. We will allow time for the children to experience and understand any new changes to the rooms, staff their peer groups and routines. The first few weeks of the new term and for any new children starting nursery:

Much of your child’s first month in nursery will be about settling in with new children and new staff, possibly even a new playroom. This will take time, and the staff are more than experienced in supporting the children with this. It is important that we support the wellbeing and emotional needs of your child at this time.

The children will have the opportunity to spend time with their Key Worker throughout the day, giving them time to bond with and feel secure in nursery. Throughout the day your child will also be supported by all of the other staff in the room.

They will spend time getting to know their environment, playing inside and outside and finding out the areas that interest them the most.

The nursery day includes the option of children choosing between inside and outside. We have access to outside all day and it is possible that the children will choose to play outside – the whole day! Playing outside allows for freedom of play, creativity, physical exercise and benefits mental and physical health and wellbeing.

We provide a nurturing approach with the children and encourage time for relaxation, rest, sleep and quiet times where needed.

It is important that nursery and parents/carers work in partnership with nursery allowing us to know your child well. Let us know how your child is feeling, let us know how you are feeling. If you have any questions, please ask us and we will help where we can.

Talk to your child about their day in nursery. We will give you information about your child’s day which will allow you to chat about how their day has been. The staff will use the Seesaw app to record, track and monitor your child’s learning and development. We will explain more about this interactive app when you come to meet us on your child’s first day.


Please visit the NHS inform Scot website for all the latest COVID-19 information and guidance available for Scotland: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19